Thursday, January 10, 2008

Good Times

Ok, so I still haven't gone through all the toys yet to sort of "cleanup" the playroom...Ok, I haven't even started...but it's still on my to-do list this week.  It's been a pretty good week so far, as it's been Levi's first week back for the 2nd semester. I've managed to get some much needed things done, and have had some much prayed for patience for the boys this week.  I don't know exactly what it is, hopefully a phase, but I'm fearful it's not... the boys (mainly the twins) are in really rare form since the holidays.  It seems like they are much more of a handful to take care of, and are into things way more than before.  Also the noise level has gone up considerably, lots of screams, whining, and some crying.  So far there are no complaints from the neighbors so that is a good thing, but seriously, it is a whole lot more work than a month or two ago. We think there are a few things that could be contributing to it, one being that they are frustrated because they cannot communicate with us as easily as they would like (Carson's expressive faces are a big hint as to this, however Cole still doesn't seem to care that he can't talk).  Two, maybe they are teething...Three, THIS IS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE BOYS.  Levi and I decided that when we tell Marcus to get out of something, or stop doing this or that...we might as well say it three times because the twins are right there to test it too, to see if they get the same reaction.  I love them dearly.  As I sit here and type this now I hear them awake from their naps...funny thing, we thought in August  we would donate a crib to someone, and pass one on to my brother and sister in law for their new baby.  I hope and pray that the beds are still in one piece by then, they are sure getting a beating with the boys kicking the ends and jumping constantly in their cribs.  Carson can really catch some air when he jumps!  We warn visitors when they come that they will be awakened early in the morning by the screaming banshee's jumping in their beds. Believe me it's a rude awakening when you are not used to it.
Ok, I sound like I'm venting so I'll stop.  Just giving a little run down of a day in the life. 
Happy 37th Anniversary to Mom and Dad (yesterday), what an amazing example you are to us!  We love you both and wish you MANY more happy years.  

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