Sunday, August 24, 2008

This New Life

Wow, this week went by really fast... Last Sunday we had an amazingly joyful day of celebration! (I may expand on this more at a later date, or maybe not...I don't know, while the internet is an awesome thing it also creeps me out a bit too) Let me just say that in the past year and a half we, as a family, have strived to live life very differently than we have ever done before. We were, quite literally, headed down a path of destruction in so many ways. It was painfully obvious to both of us that we needed to draw near to God, straighten out our priorities, and seek out our families and friendships who would support us in this wholeheartedly and prayerfully. We have purposefully tried to seek out God's will for our family, and taken time to focus on and love each other the way Christ intended. We've spent so much time in prayer together, and the Lord has been so merciful...I feel it is nothing short of a miracle all the things that God has done and is doing. He absolutely answers prayers, maybe not always the way you want or expect, but he is always faithful to answer. If you have been praying for us (about anything and everything), we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.

As I was saying, this week went by really fast...Monday Levi started his rotations at the hospital and had a busy, but really good week. It will take a little adjustment for all of us to get used to this new schedule, but so far it is going well. The boys and I headed to the gym every morning last week and I have enjoyed classes and getting to know some new people. The boys have been playing there every morning for an hour and have seemed to like the time there. Our house is looking more and more like a home...I still need to get some pictures up and things decorated a bit, but that's on my to-do list this week. Since we've been in our new town we've spent quite a bit of time with friends and family, which has been a huge blessing and so fun to pretty much know that whereever we go we WILL see someone we know. The past year in SD life was the complete opposite...which for a season in life being off on your own has it's place, but we're so thankful now to be here.

One funny and I'll end this post...Marcus and I were reading about the Tower of Babel this week. I told him that the men building it thought they could build it as high as the heavens and took great pride in themselves for what they had done. They thought they were better than God and that was NOT good. The picture in the book showed a tower with some windows in it. Marcus laughed and said, "Mom that's silly that they thought they were better than God...He would have remembered to put screens in the windows!" ;)



Jennifer said...

Amazing Jenny! We are so thankful that things are going so well and that God is alive and doing great things in your household and hearts! Does that happen to a picture of when the boys were throwing their crayons while I was talking with you on the phone? :) Have a great week!! I told my friend Jenny King about Levi. She is going to try to look him up sometime. Too many Jens, Jennys, Jennifers!! Give lots of hugs for us!

One Crowded House said...

I am so thankful God has done big and little works in your family :) You are a precious group of people and we love you lots!