Sunday, August 17, 2008


The boys were really being goofy when I was trying to get some pictures the other day. It's amazing how silliness is so contagious around here sometimes... Deann came over on Thursday to help Levi and I give the boys their first "at home" hair cuts. She helped supervise our efforts while we did the cutting. I am happy to say that we'll be saving money on haircuts from now on, as it seemed to be a successful experiment. I love fresh haircuts on the boys too, so that will be able to happen as often as we like since it is now free. It is pretty incredible too that this was the first time that none of the boys cried during a haircut.


Levi, Jenny, Marcus, Carson, and Cole said...

I was thinking the same thing Janet! I think he has grown quite a bit!

Jennifer said...

I agree!! I was Marcus sure is looking a lot older and taller! Great job adding beautician onto your resume! I have a secret to tell. I have cut Ryan's hair since we have been dating. I had seen my Mom cut my Dad's hair and thought it couldn't be that difficult. The first time I cut it he had asked me if I had done it before and my response was....sure!!! :) It may not be a perfect cut everytime but hey the price is right!!!