You know, it's kind of a relief it's Friday! :) We decided to kind of change our (the kids and I) weekly schedule. I had been taking them to the gym with me every morning and doing a 1 hr playgroup/nursery-like setting while I exercise, then one day a week I babysit in there. While I thought it would be fun for the boys and good to have some play time with other kids, there are also some down sides. It just doesn't seem like the right fit for our kids right now, and certainly has not seemed to benefit them as far as behavior goes. So, we're trying to figure out a new routine and make sure we are doing what's best for our kids...They are sure playing well at home together this morning, so I can already tell it's going to be a much better and less stressful day for Mommy! :)
They were sitting at the table this morning eating breakfast and were really goofing around, which is totally fine except it takes them FOREVER for them to eat. I asked Marcus if he would just settle down and eat his breakfast. He said, "Yeah Mom, and that is good table manners!" Then he told me how when he was done eating he was going to get down and play and he could act like a goofball then... and that would be called "floor manners". It's funny how kids reason things out, he makes me laugh every day! Here are some pictures I took this week. Enjoy!
Your boys are so darn cute! What fun being able to play with their cousins on a regular basis! Hope you are able to work in some mommy gym time somehow! I know your time is important too, but oh how we sacrifice for our kiddos! :) I am NOT complaining! Our girls are doing well. For some reason Abby has been frequenting the nurses office the last few weeks. Nothing is wrong with her but she does figure out some reason to go there. What is up with that??!! You guys have a great weekend! :)
I wish your boys would teach my students some "floor manners!!" WIth so much rain around her we are all losing it!!
"Floor manners"--That is SO funny! =D
Love the "kirekuck" and Marcus' eloquent understanding of what is appropriate in various locations of the house. Your blog always makes me smile and fills my heart with love. God bless & love to all.
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