Monday, November 29, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Levi got all the outside lights up
The boys decorating the tree
Kelly boys 2010
The dog trying to steal drink of Carson's bath water
What are you lookin at?

It was a fun weekend around here with getting our Christmas tree put up and decorating the house a bit. Levi had put all the outside lights up a week ago, but we turned them on Thanksgiving night. The boys get so excited about this stuff, so it's a lot of fun to do with them. We have also really enjoyed Xena and having her become a part of our family these past few weeks. We are working hard on housetraining her, which surprisingly has gone very well. She is a very good dog, and really seems to love it here. She has only been with us two and a half weeks, but I think she is growing quite a bit already. I am anxious to see how much she weighs next week at her next vet appointment. The first week we had her she weighed 10 lbs. She loves to play ball, run around the house, and wrestle with Levi and the boys. She loves to just sit in your lap in the evenings and take longs naps.


One Crowded House said...

I was going to say- it looks like she had doubled in size since that first picture you posted of her.

I LOVE your house- the lights look beautiful...

It looks like the boys did a good job not hanging all of the ornaments just at the bottom of the tree :)

Rebekah said...

HI Jenny! You are so brave getting an inside dog AND one you are having to house-train. We would so love a dog (me and the kids that is), but I'm giving myself a little more time before adding to the crazy!! :)
Your house and tree are beautiful - fun to see the pics. And love your new house!! Did I ever tell you Congratulations on that!!! Love to you all!