Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Marcus!!

Marcus we are so blessed to have you as our son. You are everything we prayed for and more, a true gift. This has been a big year for you, you have learned so many new things. You love school, waterslides, swimming, riding bikes, & playing outside. Last spring you learned how to ride your bike without training wheels, then a few months later turned around and taught your brother how to ride without training wheels. You are doing well with reading, and enjoy playing with your brothers, drawing, playing legos, video games, etc. You are a joy to love and care for. Happy Birthday sweetie!
Mom, Dad, and "the brothers"

1 comment:

Peter L said...

Happy Birthday, Marcus! What a good big brother you are to teach your brother how to ride a bike!

See you in two weeks!

Uncle Peter