Friday, February 5, 2010

The Weekend

It's a quiet Friday morning here with the snow falling down.  It's beautiful, I love winter so I'm really enjoying it, but I'm always thankful for the spring.  Guess that makes me a true midwest girl huh?  We have a fun weekend ahead.  Tomorrow I am helping with a baby shower for Levi's cousin, so today we'll be busy making dessert treats for that.  Sunday we're having some family and friends over for the super bowl.  Levi is home all weekend, so to me that is the best part! In fact, two weeks from today he will no longer be a student.  He will be done.  
F I N I S H E D... and he'll use the following 6 weeks to study full time for his boards exam.  It will be such a relief to pass that and have it behind him.  Please continue to pray for him if you think of him.  
We have really been making an effort to get more disciplined in all areas of our lives.   We're finishing up week 1 of a very strenuous work out routine... let me just say we are SORE all over, and in places we didn't know existed.  But it's good.  We're following a nutrition plan, so I've been trying to keep up with all of the cooking and stuff too.  Again, we need prayer in this.  
The Lord has been so good to give me such encouragement this week in my daily readings, and in conversations with friends.  He always knows our needs, and loves to be in all the details.  Also Charles has been going through 1 Corinthians 13 over the past three Sundays, speaking on "The Necessity of Love", "The Character of Love", and "The Permanence of Love"...all very good and such a blessing.

1 comment:

One Crowded House said...

what a relief for you all to be done with the school thing very soon.... I will be praying for Levi.... I know he has had to be the one going to school- but you ALL have had to sacrifice...

And way to go on eating healthy and working out!!! Would love to know what your "plan" is!