Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This Week...

McKenzie, Cole, Marcus, Maven, and Carson
My little brother
The guys
The boys blowing an air horn
Dad and all of his grandson's
Could we cram anyone else in there? :)
Fun in the garage

Saturday the boys and I drove down to KC to spend the day with my family, and to celebrate Dad's 60th birthday. A group of Mom and Dad's lifelong friends got together for dinner and fun. The Dill's hosted Dad's party, which was so nice of them. It was neat to get to see everybody, it had been a while since I have seen them all with all of the moving around and changes my little family has been through. The boys had a great time and had fun playing with Bob's granddaughter McKenzie. She had all three of them wrapped around her finger pretty quickly! ;) It was funny to see them come out of their shells a bit, and before long I was watching them sing and dance for everyone...all the while wondering "Who are these kids?"
We came home the next morning, hoping we would get to spend some time with Levi. He was on call over the weekend, and apparently worked most of it, however was home with us all Sunday afternoon...which was so nice! An extra bonus was that he told me they gave him Monday off since it was looking to be a light day, and he had worked most of the weekend. So Monday we got to spend the day together and really enjoyed all of that time. If you know us well, or have been reading this blog long, you probably hear me say things about "time together" fairly often. While Levi's been in this graduate program "time" is something that is sometimes pretty limited (and I'm not complaining, because we knew that going into this) when we are all together as a family it is really appreciated and we are very thankful. The Lord has been very faithful to keep our family together and keep us looking to Him for our next steps.

1 comment:

One Crowded House said...

I know we love our time together as well... it seems to get less and less as the kids activities increase!

Love the picture of the kids on that toy car... our kids have always been infatuated with those cars-and will cram themselves in no matter how big they are!