Sunday, September 13, 2009

On the Road Again...

Marcus, Jacob, Stan, Cole, Carson, Mike, and Marty
Come on!
I think this one's too heavy for you Carson
The little guys helping Daddy

Well I haven't taken any new pictures this week, so I decided to post a few from last month as it seems we crammed so much into the month of August I didn't have a chance to blog about it all...One of the pic's is from a weekend that we celebrated David's birthday, and had Brian and Becky and their boys stay with us. We had a great time with them, and only wished it could have been a longer stay! They just had twin boys, and already had two boys...SO if you are doing the math that is 7 boys under the age of 6 in our house...(as Becky wrote on her blog, it's amazing we all made it to church on time on Sunday too!) What a fun time!
Most of the pic's above are when Levi arrived home after his month long rotation in Iowa. The boys were ecstatic to have him back home with you can see they quickly wanted him to put the suitcases and books away and just BE with us. The Lord was kind enough to see him through that rotation and watch over the boys and I.
Today Levi had to leave again, but this time to SD to get the rest of his heart cases, and then next week to go to classes and conferences for school. Also next Monday (9/21) he will defend his thesis, so if you think of him please pray that it goes well. He is excited to get it all over with! :) The boys and I are going to go up and join him on Friday, as a little vacation get we're all looking forward to that!

1 comment:

One Crowded House said...

wow- you guys are always so busy these days!!!!