Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Marcus with his teacher
Playing on the playground
Before school with the brothers
Our Preschooler
Excited to start the day
Our baby is growing up

Marcus started 4 yr old preschool today. I have to say it went very smoothly, and so much better than what we had anticipated or expected. It was funny, last night he had trouble going to sleep because he was so excited! This morning he was the first to awake, and all we heard was chatter between he and "the brothers" about school. Cole was a little upset he didn't get to go! Marcus made sure to impress on him that it was just he that was going, school's only for big boys... ;)

There were no tears shed until we were on our way there. He had a tough time saying goodbye, but his teachers were so good to get him interested in something while I left the room. A minute later I peeked in and he was as happy as could be! We are so thankful! I was really kind of concerned as to how it all might go down.

When I picked him up at 11:00 he was all smiles and took a quick picture with his teacher. He talked nonstop in the car on the way home...told me that they prayed to start the day, he made a friend but could not remember his name, they painted their names and then cleaned up, played inside, and played outside...oh, and "if you have to go to the restroom you should knock on the door first, then if no one answers you can go in". Life lessons... Thank you Lord for a good first day!


Brian said...

So glad Marcus did so well! Sweet pics!

Levi, Jenny, Marcus, Carson, and Cole said...

Yes, Janet... she is young, you are not old! :) This is her first year teaching, fresh out of college!

One Crowded House said...

I am so glad he had a great day!

Jennifer said...

Great pictures Jenny! I think it is great that he told you about them praying to start the day! What a sweet sweet boy/s you have!

Katelyn said...

The boys are so cute! They are getting so big!