Sunday, August 9, 2009

Clinical Update and Bikers

Marcus and Carson
Carson's legs are just barely long enough to pedal, but that doesn't stop him...he's a very determined little guy
The boys...Cole was not happy about going inside
Happy Marcus
The twins
Biker gang

If all was going according to plan, this coming week would be the last week of Levi's specialty clinical in Iowa. Due to some different circumstances beyond his control, he has been unable to get all of the hearts he needs, so unless 4 more come through the door this week he may be staying longer, or might be sent to S.D. to get them done. He has some things to work through tomorrow with his director. Please pray that the director can get him a situation that is both timely and would be the least costly to us. If he could send him somewhere else this week it would really be a blessing...just now sure how fast they can create a slot for him at another site. The Lord knows, and we are just trusting in Him.

With all of this uncertainty I know it was hard for Levi to relax much this weekend, but we managed, and it was a good time. He came back down here to my parents to see the boys and I. Marcus and I had worked with the twins quite a bit last week on riding their bikes, so they were able to show off their skills to Daddy this morning. We loaded up their bikes and took them up to a nearby school to ride on the big flat playground. There are some pic's here of the boys riding earlier in the week in Mom and Dad's garage...their driveway is pretty steep, so not very good for two little boys who are just learning to ride! ;) (but the garage is perfect)

Mom is doing very well since her knee replacement. She is now walking pretty well without a walker or cane. I took her on Friday to get the staples removed. Her incision is looking really good, and we've been very busy with trips to the doctor, the lab, and therapy. She's hoping to start driving again sometime this week. The boys and I have really enjoyed our time here, and especially being able to help Dad take care of her. We'll be heading home later this week.

I have several pic's from our time here (on my camera) that I will need to post when I get home. Mom took the ones above. Enjoy and have a fantastic week!

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