Saturday, April 4, 2009

Potty Training the Twins

Here's the deal. I wanted to wait to do potty training when BOTH of the twins were ready. However, it seems like Carson is pushing us into it whether Cole is ready or not. This is a good thing though, because it seems like it will be a fairly easy task for him. He has successfully gone on the big boy potty a few times now, and yesterday wanted to strut his stuff in his big boy underwear. Since we didn't have much going on we let him wear them for the first time. We're getting ready to leave in the morning for South Dakota for several days, so when we get home we'll really get serious about all of this. Hopefully Cole will catch on and get excited about it too. He was SO sweet yesterday when Carson was sitting there trying to go. I was encouraging him and Cole kept patting Carson on the leg saying, "good job buddy!" It was precious!

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