Monday, April 13, 2009

Catching Up

Easter Sunday 2009
Cole and Daddy on the waterslide
Marcus getting ready to come down on his own
Carson and Daddy
Our little fish
The boys
The boys at Chuck E. Cheese
Bedtime the first night of vacation
Carson going down the little waterslide
The boys excited to go swimming
Hanging out

We are so thankful that our niece, Allison, is healthy and prayers on her behalf have been answered! The doctors did the x-rays again the day after she was born and can find no trace of the cyst that they had so closely been following! The Lord has done an amazing work! Not only is she doing well, but she and Deann were also able to come home a little more than 24 hours after she was born! When we got back from vacation I was able to go over and hold her. What a sweetie! The rest of my family has been battleing colds all week, so for now they are keeping their distance from her.

Well, we also had a very nice time of vacation last week! There were some pretty unexpected things, but over all it was a great time to get away and have time with the boys. I mentioned in an earlier post that we had car trouble on the way up to SD, but that we thought we had filled up with some bad gas...that was wishful thinking! Thankfully we did make it to Sioux Falls before things really got crazy with the car, but also it was good because there is a Chrysler dealer there that took good care of us. We called and they had us come right in to get it looked at, diagnosed it quickly, then ordered parts. Even better, we still had it under warranty! The only down side is that we had to stay a couple days longer than planned and get a rental car, waiting for the parts to arrive and be installed. It runs great now! We traveled back home on Friday in time for Levi to take call Sat. and Sun.

The boys absolutely loved swimming! It was so encouraging to see how much Carson and Marcus loved the water. Cole definitely enjoyed it, but was not quite as eager as the other two boys. Carson actually surprised us in that he is pretty much a little dare devil, even in the we really had to keep an eye on him. I'm looking into getting all three boys in swim lessons this summer, so they are excited about that. It looks like it will be in June, which is good as Levi doesn't have to leave until July for his heart/neuro rotation. Since all three boys are still pretty young there has to be one adult per child in the pool with them. Grandpa Kelly volunteered to help us out, so we now have them all covered.

While vacation was fun, it is very nice to be back home too! I'm just catching up on laundry and stuff today. Fun, fun! :)