Monday, December 8, 2008

Good Times...

Well our newest thing is that Cole has pink eye...wonderful. Ever wonder how hard it is to keep three little boys from sharing each other's germs...I'm gonna say, it's nearly impossible. I am sure that we'll all have it before it's all over. At least we got him on antibiotic drops the day it started, but I will be very surprised it hasn't already spread, at least to Carson. Those two are pretty much inseparable.

Anyway, that pretty much describes our Sunday, trying to keep them apart. Saturday night we had a really good time at a couples Christmas party. David and Deann hosted and there were about 12 couples there. They had the house decorated so beautifully and it was such a good night of visiting, delicious dinner, and hearing encouragement from Clint and Jenny Leiter.

This week will be fairly low key for the boys and I since we won't be out and about. I'll be working on Christmas cards in my spare time. Levi will be working longer hours Mon. and Tues. of this week, as he is going over to the medical school to help one of the doctors on a lab with 1st and 2nd year med students. He'll be helping to teach intubations and different airway related things and then check each student off after they've learned the skills and techniques. Kind of a different couple of days for him, but sounds like fun too. Since the doctors in the practice here also teach at the med school I was thinking that Levi is really getting a great and unique clinical experience...and we are so thankful for that. He loves it too, so that is so neat to see.


Teresa said...

So sorry to hear about Cole's eye infection. Thankful that you caught it quickly. Also glad that the Saturday night dinner event was a good time for all of you.

David K. said...

Sorry you all have to fight the eye infection too. I'm sure Ryan did't mean to give it to Cole on purpose. :) If anyone else get's the infection, maybe we can just combine the leftover eye drops and save someone a trip to the pharmacy. :)

Levi, Jenny, Marcus, Carson, and Cole said...

I'm sure we'll be "sharing" and combining meds on many things through the upcoming years! :) Wouldn't rather share with anyone else guys!