Friday, July 11, 2008

Surprises and Hot Summer Days

Our babies Cheeseball
Workin' it...
Beautiful clouds

Marcus was SO excited when the UPS man stopped at our house yesterday to deliver him a package! Grandma and Papa Kelly had sent him a backpack, he had it out and on his back in just a few seconds. He loved it and was excited to put stuff in it. They wanted to get him a backpack, because at their house there are a bunch of play purses that his girl cousins play with...but not much (carrying stuff) that is for a little "guy". It's a great gift and he thinks he's pretty you can tell from the pic's. (he's definitely hamming it up)
This afternoon was a scorcher here, so once again the boys took a dip in the pool. About the time we were ready to go inside a huge cloud came over our house, positioning itself right in front of the was absolutely beautiful. I don't think the picture does it justice, but I'll include it anyway. Have a great weekend!


One Crowded House said...

Love the cloud- look at the sun beaming from behind it!

And the back pack pictures are so cute- he looks so proud of it!

Hannah said...

The cloud picture is positively lovely! I'm sure it did look better than that, but the picture still turned out really well!