Friday, August 26, 2011

Fathers Day and Family time

Fathers Day 2011

Kelly Family

The boys and I

Riding the train with cousins

Swimming with cousins

Visiting with Grandpa Gayan, Aunt Becky, Mike and Jim

More swimming

Enjoying the train

This summer Levi's Grandpa and Aunt Becky came out for a visit. They were with us for a few weeks, then went up to Michigan to see family, then back here for a few more weeks. During that time we had lots of family outings, dinners, and fun. The last week of their stay Uncle Joe came out to join us and we all had a wonderful time. We are thankful for all of these times with family, the Lord is so gracious and kind.

1 comment:

One Crowded House said...

I love that picture of you and the boys. You are all such cutie pies!