Monday, February 21, 2011

Kitchen Flooring

Last piece for the night...we are tired! :)

Screwing down the backer board
Subflooring all pulled up
Original area of kitchen...these boards were put down in 1928
Taking out the first piece of subflooring
Where we took out the old pantry
Old flooring

Yesterday we started taking out the old kitchen floor. I pulled up the linoleum, while David and Levi started taking the subflooring out. We finished getting the subflooring up today, then chiseled around the cabinets to get the rest out. By this evening we were already putting down the concrete backerboard. Our hope is to finish laying all the backerboard tomorrow and start putting down the tile floor...that is, IF we can get out of bed in the morning. Our knees and backs sure aren't what they used to be. :(
It was kind of neat to see the wood beneath the subflooring. In the old original part of the house the wood that was there is 83 years old...amazing too because there wasn't too much difference in how it looked than in the other area of the kitchen that was added in the 1970's.

1 comment:

One Crowded House said...

oh my- I know what you mean- Jeff and I worked outside this weekend taking care of leaves and stuff- and you would have thought we had done a triathlon the way we were aching!