Sunday, January 23, 2011

Basketball Season

Marcus is in the grey shorts
Matching up for defense
Dribbling the ball up the court

Marcus shooting the ball

Marcus is playing YMCA basketball this winter, and Saturday was their first game. Levi is coaching his team, so he is super excited about that as well. One day Marcus was talking about it, and said, "yeah Dad sure must like basketball if he wants to coach." I told him that yes his Daddy likes basketball, but he LOVES Marcus, so that is why he is coaching...he just got the biggest smile on his face. It was precious.
Saturday he did very well in his game, and worked hard. He dribbled the ball up the court a few times, and shot the ball twice, making it once. He passed to his teammates, something you don't see too much out of kindergarteners, and had a great fun attitude. We had fun watching him, and really enjoyed the day.


One Crowded House said...

yes, passing the ball is huge- he will do awesome at it!

love the pictures :)

Jennifer said...

I had a huge smile on my face when I saw the pictures! This is such a fun fun time for Marcus & you guys as well! I am very impressed hearing that Marcus was passing to his team mates....YEAH! You are right that it is very rare to see that at this age well and even at ages 8 & 9 (unfortunately)! I'm sure Carson & Cole can't wait to start playing too. I bet they are right there practicing along with Marcus as much as they can though! I loved your answer when Marcus stated that his Dad must really like basketball. Miss you guys!!