Thursday, May 6, 2010


conduct or activity that playfully causes petty annoyance.

A couple of nights ago the boys were playing in the backyard. At first they were just playing catch, then running races back and forth between the fences. Later I looked out and Cole was sneaking around behind the neighbor's shed to try and get on his riding lawnmower, so he was quickly scolded to get back in our yard and leave their things alone. About 5 minutes later Levi checked on them and they had a hold of our other neighbor's birdfeeder (hummingbird feeder with red liquid in it ) and were shaking it around ferociously...again, scolded to leave other's things alone. Not more than 2 minutes later I looked out and they had taken charcoal out of the grill and were using it like sidewalk chalk, ALL OVER our deck. While we were upset with them, it was also too cute to not get a picture, before making them come in to take a bath and get in bed early at 7:15. Somehow I think their "boy-ness" has only just begun... :)


One Crowded House said...

they look so innocent!

One Crowded House said...

they look so innocent :)

Peter and Myrna said...

Wait until they are in the teen years! (And at least they didn't try to wash the car with a rock like a certain boy we know once did.)