Sunday, November 15, 2009

Catching up

Marcus in his Native American outfit he made at school
Cole fell asleep on the floor
Getting some extra rest
Carson feeling miserable

This week has been eventful to say the least. Tuesday afternoon Carson started getting a fever, which carried on into the next day (and wasn't being phased much by tylenol and motrin) and added in a pretty bad sounding cough. Thursday morning we took him to the doctor only to find out he has the h1n1 virus. Our doctor is really great and told us that most likely all of us would have it shortly, so she went ahead and wrote prescriptions for all of the boys and said to start them on it as soon as they develop a fever. One by one they have each developed the fever. Cole and Marcus are doing pretty well since we started the medicine immediately, Carson is doing ok, it just seems to be taking more of a toll on him. (probably because he had it for a few days before we knew and had meds) Overall everyone seems more tired than usual and coughing like crazy at night.
Anyway, the boys are now quarantined to the house until next no school for Marcus. I'm sure he won't mind a little time off, and we have plenty to do here to keep everyone entertained. He's been wearing his Native American outfit (that he made at school last week)around the house, and being the leader of the pack keeping everyone busy playing...when they aren't sleeping. We are so thankful for our friends, family, and church family. So many people have brought things by for the boys, or called to check in on us. We are all doing fine, and looking forward to getting back to our normal activities!

1 comment:

One Crowded House said...

ugh- I hate to hear that those beautiful boys got sick... I am sure you have all been miserable.

I will pray the parents avoid the sickness!!!!