Monday, February 16, 2009

Be My Valentine

Opening their mail
Valentine's dinner
Most of the dinner conversation was about "fire"

Saturday was a busy day for us, but a really fun one! Deann and I hosted a bridal shower for Levi's cousin Rosana. It was a great time and we had a great turnout! We're all really looking forward to Andy and Rosana's wedding in March!
Since Saturday was also Valentine's Day, Levi and I decided to have a candlelight dinner for 5! The boys were so excited and loved the special evening and especially the treats. They received some Valentines in the mail, so after dinner they opened those and we enjoyed a family night together...until one little man decided to get the stomach flu! :(

Cole then passed it onto Mommy and we had a low key weekend from then on. We're both feeling better today, not quite 100%, but we are up and moving around. It's so sad to see a little guy layed out flat for two days, who normally is bouncing off the walls constantly. He handled it all well though, and has his smile back today thankfully!


One Crowded House said...

glad you guys are on the mend.... having a sick baby is so sad!

Anonymous said...

What a great blog! We are enjoying getting to know you guys more now that you're here.