Thursday, July 10, 2008

Adam and Eve

This morning I was reading to the boys, from their preschool bible, about Adam and Eve.  We read it, and then Marcus and I were talking about afterward.  I asked him how Adam and Eve disobeyed God? Marcus was very serious and he said, "they ate the fruit from the tree...(long pause) "and that's why we eat our apples from the refrigerator!" Ha! ha!  Regardless, he got the point that they disobeyed what God told them, and this made God very sad.  It's so funny how you never know what a kid will come up with!


Teresa said...

I hope he won't get upset when he sees us picking apples off of the trees in front of Lake Road Chapel and eating them. It might require a little clarification of his theology! =)

Jennifer said...

Too sweet! :)

Jen M said...

That reminds me of Cade -- he stopped eating apples after they learned that bible story in Sunday School. To this day I can barely get him to eat apples although he can not remember why?!?!