Thursday, January 15, 2009

On Call and Other Fun Stuff

I've had a lot of people ask about how clinicals and on call is going for Levi so here goes. This has been a nice and quiet week for us so far. Levi was on call quite a bit last week, so he was gone a lot more. It seems like there is a bit of a baby boom around here lately so a lot of the time he's going in for epi's or c-sections, and an occassional emergency surgery. When he was home we just kind of layed around in waiting for the next time the pager would go off...but it will all feel more normal as we get into this more and more. We're just trying to make sure things are restful at home, I'm trying to have dinner in the crockpot on those days so it's always ready no matter when he gets here, and going to bed early anytime it's possible.
I remember having to be on call when I worked at Cerner, and the "weighted down" feeling I always had when it was my turn on the pager. The worst part about that is it was my job to troubleshoot and fix things, so you know the client was not happy about it either. You never felt like you could relax, go too far from home, or really enjoy anything for fear it might be ruined if you got called in. Luckily I could do alot of my on call work from home, so I wasn't gone too much. I'm SO thankful I had that job, but I am also so glad those days are behind me and I can spend my days and nights focusing on taking care of my family...and understand, sympathize, and appreciate Levi's efforts, even more, to be the provider in our family. It feel so good to say that in about one year he will be done. We are thankful God has allowed this opportunity for our family, and I'm really proud of my man for his hard work and determination. He'll have a month away from us this summer while he goes to Iowa for hearts and neuro clinical, which will be hard on us all, but hopefully we'll get to see him on some of the weekends. Thankfully he can stay here in town for everything else, so we are thankful for that.
Meanwhile, back on the ranch :), I've been dealing with a few minor issues with the twins. They have heard big brother say (a few too many times) "But MOM, I just don't want to" they're catching on, Carson will say "Jus sdon' what to!", and with Cole it gets less and less clear...but I know what he's saying and he still gets in trouble for it even if it's not clear english. Other than that they are their usual busy little selves, enjoying life to the fullest. We've been trying to work with Carson and Cole on counting, the alphabet, etc. They are catching on, and seem to enjoy learning as much as Marcus does. Marcus has slowly been transitioning to no naps. He's doing really great, and usually either plays quietly with lego's or likes to do his "school work" (as he calls it), or sometimes will just chill out on the couch for a while. He had been sleeping less and less so we figured he was outgrowing naptime. Seems to be working out ok so far.

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