Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spaghetti-O's and 1yr olds...

Ok, so I'm embarrassed to admit this, but the twins (20 months) are just now learning to eat with a spoon by themselves...I feared that my lack of wanting to clean up messes was probably getting in the way of some pretty serious milestones they should be reaching! SO, for the past few days we have been working on using a spoon. Surprisingly they are fairly neat little eaters. Today we tackled spaghetti-O's. Yes there were a few messes, but that's just something this Mommy needs to get used's either that or I can still be feeding them when they are 15 because I made them miss that "window" of opportunity. Here's a few pic's of todays "opportunity".


Kayli said...

i just created a blog and was browsing around, just wanted to say your boys are really cute! my husband and i have 3 boys and 2 girls...

Anonymous said...

Ok Jenny I can totally relate to the 'messes.' I have tried to loosen up a bit too. It is hard for me to let the girls help me cook because of the mess they make. I know that is awful!! Great pictures by the way. Your babies are getting big!!
Jen C.

One Crowded House said...

very cute! They did a great job!

Hannah said...

That is so cute! (Pictures of babies with food on their faces always are.) =)