Friday, October 30, 2009

School Costume Party

Marcus is behind the incredible hulk
Making his bat
Playing pin the nose on the pumpkin
Decorating his candy bag
Checking out the costumes
Having fun
Leading the parade
His locker
School days
Fun with his friends
Marcus and his brothers before school

Marcus had a preschool costume party on Thursday, which also happened to be his birthday. We took birthday cupcakes to share with all of his classmates, and since it was his special day he was the line leader, and his class sang happy birthday to him. He was so excited on the way home because he said they were in the cafeteria having their cupcakes while Meghan's (his cousin) class was in the kitchen making cookies...he said, "Mom her whole class joined in and sang to me also!" He thought that was really pretty special.
Grandma Kelly came over and spent the morning with the twins so I could go up and help with the costume party. They had a parade through each of the classrooms showing their costumes, played games, shared candy, read some stories, and made bats. Marcus dressed up as a doctor for his party, all the kids costumes were so cute, and each one different. This week his class was learning about bats, and Marcus was telling me all about it. I said "let me guess, they are nocturnal"...his eyes got really wide and he said, "HOW did you know?" Ha ha! I told him that Daddy and I learned a thing or two in school long ago as well. :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Marcus!!!

Marcus James Kelly

Kelly Family 2005
Hanging out with the brothers
At Daddy's school
Excited for Christmas
Look what my parents brought home...I'll be more excited in a couple of months...
Happy boy
Our little Cardinal
Sweet snuggles with Daddy
Sweet baby
There isn't a better feeling in the world...
Happy parents
Our Baby
Our sweet little boy turns 5 years old today... for some reason 5 seems like such a milestone. Marcus, your Daddy and I have just been talking about how thankful we are that you are our son. You are everything and more than we ever hoped for or prayed for in a child. You are a very caring and loving person, you take care of your little brothers, teach them things, and are protective of them. You are always a big help to Mommy and Daddy. You are working hard at preschool, learning more and more each day, and you have a kind heart for your friends there.
We are so thankful to be your parents, you have been a blessing to us from the very beginning. We love you so much! Happy Birthday!!!!
Mommy, Daddy, and "the Brothers"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Homecoming 2009

Action shot
Enjoying some tennis
Marcus and Mommy before going to the movie
Playing the Wii
The boys with their treats from the parade
Watching the parade with cousins, Ryan, Kaitlyn, and Meghan
Got a wave from the Bulldog

Cole, Kaitlyn, and Carson
Daddy and his boys waiting for the parade to begin
Look excited don't they?

I don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but Levi and I took Marcus to his first movie last weekend. He was in for quite a treat, because not only was it his first movie, but it was also in 3D. We took him to the double feature showing of Toys Story 1 and 2...but we didn't stay for 2. As it was, he fell asleep on the 2 minute car ride home. He loved it, and Levi and I had so much fun just watching him and his smiles as he held his popcorn, candy, and tried to keep his 3D glasses on! Precious!
A couple weekends ago we took the boys to the Truman State Univ. Homecoming parade. It was so cold that morning, but we all had a good time. We met David and his kids there, and everyone went home with quite a bit of candy. Levi and I have been fighting colds this past week, plus he was on call, so we just kind of laid low at home this weekend. I'm including some pic's of the twins playing the Wii. They love to play baseball, and tennis. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dora Gayan...(Dec. 5, 1927-October 11, 2009)

Grandma Gayan (Levi's grandmother) fought a long battle with cancer, but passed away on Sunday evening.   She loved her family, was an amazing cook, and was a big fan of the Arizona Wildcats.  Levi has many fond memories of vacationing in Arizona to see her and Grandpa George.  Many times in the summer they would drive out to Missouri and stay for a month, on their way to Michigan.  Grandma Gayan was deeply loved by many and she will be greatly missed.  

A picture of Grandma Gayan with us at our wedding

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Great Papa Lebron

The boys with their Great Grandpa
Levi's Grandpa was able to come out for a visit in September. He lives in Tucson, Arizona so we don't get to see him very often. Unfortunately Levi wasn't able to see him because he was in SD doing a rotation, but the boys and I were able to have a day with him. It was so fun to visit and see the boys interact with him. They loved having him here and showing him all around. What a blessing it is to have family!